We receive many calls throughout the year from individuals who are looking to adopt a parrot. We take this process very seriously and it should not be considered lightly. It is required of every individual or family who is considering adopting a parrot to take time and schedule a visit to the sanctuary. It is during this time that we can carefully assess what it is that your goals are for acquiring a parrot and if they are realistic. Since we do not want parrots to fall back into bad situations that they came from, we want to get to know you and be assured that a parrot companion would be a suitable addition to your family or not.
We have had many individuals who have come to visit us change their minds about adopting a parrot once they realized the complexity of their care, the length of years they can live, and the financial costs that can be incurred from proper care and housing.
After touring the sanctuary and visiting all the parrots that are available for adoption, we will discuss in length the care required and the previous history of the parrots. If it has been determined that you would be an excellent caregiver for a companion parrot, you will be required to sign an Adoption Agreement/Contract.