About Us
Founded on the Big Island of Hawaii in 2003 by Dorothy and Jerry Walsh, concerned and caring owners of companion birds. We consider the presence of these intelligent and wild at heart beings a special gift in our lives.
“Our organization is a unique, valuable and lifesaving resource within the local “exotic bird community”. We are committed to support responsible and enjoyable pet ownership and are pro-active avian advocates and caregivers.
Our Approach
So many people that live in Hawaii feel that owning a parrot is a commodity associated with living in “paradise” and therefore seek after the romantic idea of parrot acquisition. Unfortunately, most of these individuals were not educated about the demands of caring for a pet parrot that could very well out-live them. Greedy breeders and pet store giants are all about pushing their sales regardless of the impact that occurs to these innocent parrots.
The Story
For many parrots, they find themselves being moved from home to home or tucked into a dark garage where they will not bother anyone. Even individuals who are properly educated about the demands of a parrot companion find that life’s circumstances change. Health issues, the death of a family member, moving into an apartment or assisted living facility, divorce, allergies, or having finicky neighbors who complain about squawks, all these and more frequently have been heard by us.
With that being said, maybe you can understand a little more about who we are and what we do.
We realized the tremendous need to provide a resource for the well-intentioned individuals who really loved their parrot, but could no longer care for them. With the realization that there also existed a large group of parrots that were greatly in need of rescue from living in abusive conditions, Parrots in Paradise was formed. Founded by Jerry and Dorothy Walsh in 2003, they began by making themselves available for needy parrots and were overwhelmed by the lack of community resources available for parrots in need.
A non-profit organization was formed and they began listening to the many calls of people who were heart-broken to relinquish their parrots. Jerry and Dorothy believe that while their primary goal is to be a refuge for parrots, just as much is the belief they hold that they are a refuge for the people who need their assistance. They feel grateful to care for the parrots and their human caregivers that greatly need compassion to make difficult decisions about their beloved parrots.
Jerry a former businessman and horticulturist now calls himself a farmer as he tends to the orchards that he planted which the parrots are the beneficiaries of. Dorothy a former nurse practitioner cares for the flock while using non-invasive homeopathic solutions whenever possible in caring for the flock.
Parrots in Paradise is a private, non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. To help fund the sanctuary, we offer private personalized tours, provide an adoption/rehoming service and rely on the generosity of the public. Parrots in Paradise receives no federal or state funding and is not sponsored by any large corporation.
Mission | Vision
Our mission is to provide rescue and rehabilitation for any displaced parrot, especially those living in neglectful situations. While we realize that caring for every parrot that has ever come to us is unrealistic and too huge an endeavor, we seek to find wonderful permanent homes where adoptable parrots can live out the remainder of their lives. In so doing, we make more space available for other parrots in need of rescue.
Finding suitable homes for parrots to live in can be very challenging. With proper education, it is our vision to educate the community regarding the requirements of being a loving caregiver for companion parrots.
We really appreciate your help!